Urban Planning

Theory of Urbanism :  UP 107

   The city's thought originated in the modern age, and thought of the city planning and development and the variables affecting it. The city was a complex multidimensional phenomenon. The problems of the city from the 18th century to the contemporary city were influenced by the Industrial Revolution. Modern thinking of city planning and  The city's thought originated in the modern age, and the thought of city planning and development and the variables affecting it. The city was a complex multidimensional phenomenon. The problems of the city from the 18th century to the contemporary city were influenced by the Industrial Revolution.

Mathematical Modeling : UP 111

   Familiarize the student with the different models of mathematical analysis and their applications in practical fields, in addition to how to benefit from them in the various planning fields. Also to teach them logical and thinking sequence and how to extract information from mathematical models and statistical data. Moreover to support the student's ability to analyze problems and hoe to solve and recognize them. As well as learning layout applications on: Linear models - Gravity model - Activity localization model - Marshall model.

Land Use : UP 121

  • Land use concepts, definitions and elements
  • Land use theories
  • Analysis and assessment of current land use conditions
  • Time development of land use
  • Human ecology theories
  • Land use policies in existing cities
  • Preparation of land use programs for new cities and urban areas
  • Preparation of land use schemes for new cities and urban areas

Scientific Method : UP 122

  • Introduction to problem solving methods
  • Details of the steps of the scientific method and the various methods for  identifying and analyzing the problems,  their elements and variables
  • Setting objectives
  • Methods of analysis
  • Methods of constructing solutions
  • Methods of evaluating and developing alternatives, follow-up and evaluation

Urban Systems : UP 203

  • Introduction to Systems Science
  • Architecture as an integrated, multidimensional system, subsystems of the urban economic, social, administrative, organizational and environmental) and their  interrelationships
  • Patterns of construction as a structure

Urban Sociology : UP 2051

   Introduction to Systems Science. Architecture as an integrated, multidimensional  system, subsystems of the urban (economic, social, administrative, organizational and  environmental) and their interrelationships. Patterns of construction as a structure.

Planning of New Communities : UP 208

   This course is designed to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of the new city planning. The course is concerned with the multidisciplinary field and practice of new city planning. It includes a review of historical approaches to urban planning and current movements in the field, as well as discussion of the elements of urban form, theories of good city form, scales of urban design, implementation approaches, and challenges and opportunities for the discipline. Learning from cities via fieldwork is an integral part of the course. Each student or group of students selects a new city planning project and goes through the methodology ending by a spatial master plan.

Urban Economics : UP 2101

  • General introduction to economics, the economic problem and its relation with theurban situations. 
  • Economic trends governing the distribution of goods and services, and their  relationship with urban variables  and real- estate valuation. 
  • The supply and demand conditions of goods and services and their physical  significance. 
  • General indicators of economic trends at the national level. 
  • Development and economic growth and its relation to urban development. 
  • The economics of the city as a component of the territory — settlement of uses — the economics of housing. 
  • The components of the national plan and its regional and urban significance.

Housing (1) : UP 213

   This course is a basic subject for undergraduate students. it is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding  about housing problems , policies and planning. The first part of the course gives student a general review about the progress of housing policies in Egypt and the implications of these policies on housing problem. The second part discusses the characteristics of different housing social groups with their different needs, requirements in design housing units. The last part provides different housing examples implemented in the new Egyptian cities.

Planning of Existing Urban Communities : UP 214

   This course is designed to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of city planning. The student selects an existing city, visiting its problems by site visit and identifying the local social requirements. In the first part, the course provides the student with the planning methodology steps starting by collecting data, data analysis, problem solving, and presentation methods that are essential for practicing planners. The second part is to teach student how to form the city vision, development scenarios, planning alternatives and spatial master plan.

Urban Management & Legislation : UP 2161

  • Urban environmental regulation. urban management systems
  • Urban Planning Law and its executive regulation
  • Other laws regulating construction
  • The influence of legislation on urbanism
  • Legislative Practice

Planning of Urban Areas : UP 310

  • Methodology for Identification of the Study Area 
  • Regional Studies 
  • Environmental 
  • Socio-Economic Studies
  • Housing and Services Studies
  • Urban Structure Studies
  • Integrative Structure of Specialty Studies
  • Generating Alternatives and Evaluating at the General Level and Detailed plans

Planning of Local Communities : UP 311

    The course uses an innovative teaching model based on community participation in planning of small communities. The course is based on teaching student the following subjects: social planning methods, types of local communities in Egypt, local community characteristics and needs, different planning methods dealing with local community, planning by participation methodology. The student selects a small village, visiting its problems, opportunities and identifying the local social requirements by real participation.

Detailed Planning (1) : UP 312

  • Basics and Principles for the Application of Urban Design through Land Zoning  Projects
  • Criteria for Land Allocation for Public Uses
  • Needs Assessment of Zoning Areas in Public Utilities
  • Building Conditions for Zoning Projects
  • Regulations and Laws Related to Land Zoning Projects
  • Practical and Procedural Aspects in Preparation of Land Zoning Projects.

Planning of Specialized Areas : UP 315 

  • Definition and characteristics of areas of functional specialization
  • Bases for planning of each type and functional overlap
  • Required studies (environmental studies, economic studies, social studies)

Urban Development Management : UP 316 

  • Concept and Functions of Administration
  • Urban Development Management
  • Urban Management Functions
  • Urban Management Methods
  • Implementation and Financing Mechanisms
  • Participatory Approaches in Development Management
  • Resource Management
  • Land and Infrastructure Management
  • Housing and Services Supply.

Detailed Planning (2) : UP 317  

  • Outline of general areas 
  • Types Methodologies
  • Operational documents for detailed planning projects
  • Engineering foundations in the preparation of urban and network plans
  • Planning controls and requirements for areas
  • Planning and engineering treatments for maintaining the special nature

Selected Topics in Urban Planning : UP 3186 

     Selection of one or more subjects for study and application in the light of contemporary issues, global developments and local vision and strategies.

Graduation Project (1) : UP 3 UP 1 

  • Selection of Project Graduation in Urban Planning 
  • Project Preparation Methodology
  • Studies Analysis of Past Experiences and Lessons Learned 
  • Data Collection
  • Preparation of Studies
  • Project Presentation

Graduation Project (2) : UP 3 UP 2

  • Preparation of the graduation project in the field of urban planning
  • Setting goals
  • Analyzing issues
  • Problems and possibilities
  • Problems and their importance
  • Making planning decisions
  • Alternatives to solutions and evaluating them
  • Analyzing the detailed program
  • Issuing final solutions
  • Preparing the documents for the graduation project
  • Project presentation

Profession Practice : UP 381   

  • Career ethics
  • Preparation of plans and contract documents for implementation
  • Preparation of consultancy contracts
  • Practicing career economics Laws, regulations and legislation governing  the practice of the profession
  • Career problems
  • Models and applied studies


Housing (2):  Housing Categories & Prototypes : UP 320

   The course is a detailed description for housing subjects. It is designed to give student the first steps in design housing areas. The course gives a solid background about the different social groups with their different requirements is design housing units. It also offers different prototypes of housing units and building. The course is also based on a practical exercise to design a housing unit and how it can be assembled in a small cluster.   

Management of Urban Development Projects : UP 322 

  • Overall project management methodology
  • Project implementation plan
  • Methods used in project phases, planning, organization and preparation of funding programs
  • Scheduling programs
  • Network analysis
  • Monitoring

Planning of Residential Areas : UP 325

   It provides an overview of techniques and specified programs, policies, and strategies that are (and have been) directed at neighborhood design. It gives students an opportunity to reflect on their personal sense of the housing and community development process. The course includes the following: design objectives and principles, social requirements and spatial needs, circulation and parking design, public and private spaces. The course is also based on a practical project for each group of students to design a selected neighborhood in the new cities.

Housing Economics : UP 326

   This module covers public finance and housing markets, housing finance policy, and the local authority, housing association, private rented and the owner occupation sectors of the housing market, backup policies for low income, and interaction between housing supply and demand in housing market. It offers comparative perspectives on the housing market.

Housing Policies and Legislation : UP 3234

   The course is mainly designed for undergraduate students registered in the housing path group and an optional course for the planning path group. This course examines the effectiveness and limitations of the law, critical approaches to tenancy law issues, and the synthesis of issues surrounding modern tenancy law.  It includes a review for the different national housing laws and regulations launched during the last fifty years and also presents some recommendations for the success of future housing policies.

Select Topics in Housing : UP 3233

   Selection of one or more subjects for study and application in the light of contemporary issues, global developments and local vision and strategies.

Graduation Project (1) : UP 3 HO 1

  • Selection of Project Graduation in Housing
  • Project Preparation Methodology
  • Studies Analysis of Past Experiences and Lessons Learned 
  • Data Collection
  • Preparation of Studies
  • Project Presentation

Graduation Project (2): UP 3 HO 2

  • Preparation of the graduation project in the Housing field
  • Setting goals
  • Analyzing issues
  • Problems and possibilities
  • Problems and their importance
  • Making planning decisions
  • Alternatives to solutions and evaluating them
  • Analyzing the detailed program
  • Issuing final solutions
  • Preparing the documents for the graduation project
  • Project presentation